Big booty, Big ass
Big butts look nice, but there are some hardships that come with having a big butt that people never understand. Here are 15 things that anybody with a big butt can relate to.
1. Your jeans never correctly fit your waist, hips, and legs
If the jeans fit the butt perfectly, they’re either too loose around the waist, or in the thighs, or just too long.
2. And you probably only have one great pair of jeans that your butt has not destroyed yet
3. And your jeans are constantly getting ripped at the butt area
4. You can never walk down the street in peace, someone must talk about your butt
5. And finding a space to squeeze into in a Danfo is such a huge struggle
6. When a song about big butts comes on, everyone looks at you immediately
7. Everyone thinks you can twerk, but you probably can’t twerk to save your life
8. Getting skinny jeans past your butt is practically a full workout session
9. And when you sit in a small chair, you probably get stuck sometimes
10. The only item of clothing that don’t stress you too much are leggings
11. You always get stuck trying to move through narrow spaces
12. And your friends love to tap your butt and rest their heads on it
13. All your belts probably look like this:
14. You standing in a BRT:
15. But then you remember that your big booty makes you look hot and you have to WORK IT.